It's Mommy Time

One Mommy, Two Daughters, Zero Time

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Really Reeling

Just when you think you have it all together, life throws you a curve ball. Today, my daycare woman told me that she will be closing in two weeks. She recently opened a second center outside of her house, and she needs to attend more closely to that. It was not her intention to close her in-home center. It just worked out that way. I'm not upset with her. I'm just so increadibly disappointed because she has provided Hailey with such excellent care in a mixed age environment. I know that I will not find that anywhere else. I've been calling places all day and just getting more and more discouraged. It's amazing how this little stumbling block makes me rethink everything. All of the decisions that I've made in the past about working and daycare and everything are suddenly back on the table again. And, we all know how I love to make life altering decisions! Well, I need to pull myself together so that I can try to make it through the rest of the day without sobbing.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Are We Teething?

Are we teething?
Are we teething?
Yes we are.
Yes we are.
I am really cranky.
And I like to chew things
In my mouth.
In my mouth.

Are we teething?
Are we teething?
Yes we are.
Yes we are.
I don't want to sleep now
Because my gums are swollen
In my mouth.
In my mouth.

(Sing to the tune of Where is Thumbkin.)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Car Seat

I have become one of those mothers that spends $300 on a car seat. I can't believe it myself! Before Hailey was born, I purchased a used Graco SnugRide because it was rated pretty well in Consumer Reports. At the time, it seemed like it would be fine. Well, once you put an actual living creature in one of these things, it doesn't seem very safe. It's just a bunch of plastic with the bare minimum amount of padding on either side. So, I've bought her the Lexus of car seats. It's a monster with side impact safety. It's $300, but she uses it every day while we commute 30 minutes to/from Nashville. Here's a picture of the seat...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

First Day of Day Care

7:45am - Dropped Hailey off. No crying for either of us. She was sleeping soundly, but woke up before I left. Rosie (that's the daycare owner) played with her for a few minutes before I left. It was a little chaotic with all of the kids coming and the parents going, but each kid was greeted with a hug before they start playing. Very warm environment for sure.

10:40am. Just called daycare, and Hailey was screaming. Trying to think positive thoughts as I race over there to feed her. Most positive thought I can think of: She should sleep well tonight!

11:30am - Went to daycare and fed Hailey. She wasn't screaming any more by the time I got there. Actually, Rosie said that she played in the morning with all of the little boys (there are mostly boys at daycare). She loved playing with the boys and with any toy that would light up. So, I fed her and we played for half an hour before I went back to work.

12:45pm - Back at work now. Wolfed down a sandwich on my way back. Hailey was in a good mood when I left daycare. Hopefully, she'll have a good rest of her day.

3:15pm - Daycare called and Hailey is hysterical. Ok, that didn't really happen, but that's my fear every time the phone rings!

4:30pm - Counting the minutes until I can pick her up. Won't be long now!

5:15pm - Hailey just had her first poopie blowout of the day...just one?!?!? I guess she decided to go easy on them.

5:40pm - Back at home again safe and sound. She seems happy, but very very tired. Overall, a positive day of making new friends.